JamesThis is my favourite and well loved bear, James. I got him around the time my brother was born, I was almost three. He has been cuddled so much his fur has worn off twice. Years ago (pre 1976) when we realised his fur was wearing thin my mother contacted the makers
Wendy Boston and asked if she could buy some material to patch him with, they sent us a piece for free all the way to NZ from UK. It was enough to cover his ears and arms and chest. I love my mother, she also made him a red pair of corduroy trousers.
I had high expectations for this photo, I was going to wear my teddy bear winter dressing gown and take my own photo holding James. I don't have a remote and although I had a two second delay I couldn't get the focus right and after the first photos at 29 Celsius inside I couldn't wear my dressing gown anymore.
This was the best I could get. I think it looks like I am holding a young child instead of a 40 something bear. LOL!