Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 23rd



No real story to this photo. I think they have been used for photos more than being played with.

But I do remember the children and me playing with metal knucklebones, I couldn't find any today though. I even remember playing them while I was at primary school(one of the few school memories I have).
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  1. A very pretty colourful image, this would be my favorite. I too remember playing jacks and spending hours doing so. We used to have the real thing too, from the joint of some big cut of meat, I forget which. Thanks for bring back so many good memories.

  2. Gorgeous colours and I like the way the whole thing is angled and off-centre. Makes for an interesting dynamism in the photo. Great job.

  3. Great colors! Are they submerged in water? I really like the angle of the photo!

  4. Jacks was one of my options for the letter J. I like the way that the colours reflect in the glass. Cool effect.
