Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11th


A few years ago my daughter bought me this cute Golden Lion Tamarin for Christmas, more details here she also bought me the cushion it is sitting on back from a whirlwind trip to Germany, Greece and Turkey in early 2007.
The flash I used annoys me a bit as it over lights the ends of the fur, it was at its lowest setting and I put tissue over it. It was a grey day here today with little natural light.

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  1. Nice shot, looks well controlled, considering the use of flash.

  2. I can see what you are talking about but it's not nearly as harsh as I expected...the texture of the fur really shows well and I love the color combo you used

  3. He looks a little lonely! Very nice details.

  4. He doesn't look impressed at being disturbed. A cute little guy and great memories in these two toys!

  5. I love the complementary color scheme. That fur looks so soft and cuddly.
