Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3rd

There was a time when we had dinosaurs everywhere!

My eldest son Daniel was besotted with dinosaurs from a young age. He loved collecting them; especially the realistic Jurassic Park models, he even had some moving ones.

This seems to be the only dinosaur left along with a small collection of much read dinosaur books.


  1. Cute little guy and I love the setting you have placed him in. Very jurassic, or rather, volcanic-looking. Great job with the colour combinations.

  2. NICE colours here, a spunky looking dino.

  3. Nice minty green dino color, he pops out against the brown background.

  4. And does your son STILL know the names of ALL the dinosaurs that ever existed because I'm sure that whe would have done when he was younger!! Nice background in your photo - what is it I wonder - a table top???

  5. Great choice of background. I really like the picture.

  6. great shot with a perfect background!

  7. Thanks guys and guyesses for your comments
    The background is rusty, old corrugated roofing iron, that is trying to keep our firewood dry under a big rhododendron tree.

  8. Aha...thanks for the explaination! I was also wondering what you used for a background.
