Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 18th


Old friends in a sunny spot.

Two weeks ago on the 4th of January, I wrote about my grandmothers toys that now live at my mothers house. This morning I took photos of them sitting in their usual spot on the window seat.

I have also uploaded a photo of Finn and me.

From Blogger Pictures

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  1. You look just like your avatar :-) and what a fine looking son you have. And I love the soft toys especially and really big cuddly teddy bear!!! Can I look after it for you? It would cost that much to courier it to Wellington would it?????

  2. Aha, now we get to see the face behind the posts, and the face behind his name. He is a good looking son!
    And the lighting you have used for today's shot is lovely. Very natural, and a great pose for them. Nice job. The inclusion of the window sets it in context well.

  3. A lovely sunny spot for your bear, it looks very comfy there and has another for company, I see.
    Your son is a good looker, I bet the girls go after him!
    Thanks for sharing your pic too, I'd do one too but it would only be part of my ear, perhaps...LOL

  4. Other funny/candy picture in your gallery.
    I'm searching a hairy animal to shoot and this litje bear could be perfect.
    Wonderful job!

  5. What a handsome young man your son is! The bears look right at home in that sunny nook....nice shot!

  6. Cute pair of bears. I like how the sunlight is coming in through the window and illuminating part of the bears head.

  7. Great lighting on the bears! It's a very heart-warming photo. And your son is so handsome.

  8. This is a very sweet picture. Its very inviting.
