Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 7th

Primary Colours!
My eldest Daniel has an amazing lego collection; pirate ships, adventures and cowboys to name a few. This duplo set - Clown Parade - his younger sister, got for Christmas one year so she could practice before graduating to the smaller pieces LOL. My granddaughter loves playing with it when she visits. My brother and I had a small collection of lego in England when we were little, I mostly remember windows and roof tiles.

Last year when they came for a two day visit, while my granddaughter slept, we all spent ages sorting the lego pieces into the different colours and managed to build a few sets. Unfortunately when they left there was no room in the car, so they are still in my workshed. Next time I go to Auckland I will try and fit some of the lego in.

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  1. I know this set well! We have it at the toy library I work for! Isn't Duplo wonderful? So sturdy but very expensive. Even decondhand stuff on trademe is just as expensive and the new stuff. Nice setup.

  2. Great set up and viewpoint.

  3. Looks like a fun set to play with and nice bright colours well done

  4. I love that each of your photos triggers a special memory. That makes them so much more than photgraphs! They bring back childhood memories for me too.

  5. Great setup and I love the bright colours and the blur you have in the bottom right corner. Nicely done!

  6. We saved "supermarketpoints" for the Duplo-circus about 20 years ago. It was well-used for years and still looks good. Lego & Duplo are of top quality.

  7. I'm laughing at the expression on the little drivers face...he's like "Oh no! It's those stupid paparazzi taking my picture again!"

  8. Love the colour and the vignetting here, makes it feel very vibrant!
