Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2nd

Some old toys today - jigsaws are not easy to make look good.
The top jigsaw is one of my mothers which she had long before I was born. The others are from the 1970's. I don't know how many times I have made them as a child and later with my childrens help.

I haven't done a jigsaw for a couple of years now, I would like to do them this year. I am hoping to get to visit some of the places in England and Ireland as my mother and I are starting to plan a trip to UK for the middle of the year. I haven't been back to England since we left when I was five years old.
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  1. Oh they do look old! Like you I live in New Zealand and like you I originate from England. But unlike you I've only been here since 1992. That top jigsaw looks familiar and I'm wondering if my mum once had a jigsaw like that.

  2. I love jigsaws. These ones look like they've been played with hundreds of times :) Are the pieces still complete?

  3. Wow, those are some seriously old jigsaws, and I am impressed if they still have all their pieces. Nice find to photograph...

  4. great colour.

    give us a bigger version to look at!

  5. They look like they have some history
    Nice shot

  6. Awesome collection! Antique toys are really collectible.

  7. I have put a bigger version, blogger can be quite confusing.
    I think all the puzzle pieces were there when I last did these puzzles.

  8. Ah, sweet nostalgia. I love the matching colours.
